Monday, January 28, 2008
This is my coaches team. They performed at our competition this weekend!
Posted by
Danielle Heikkila
10:57 AM
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Suffering from a sore throat...
Hi everyone,
I have a sore throat right now, so I am not able to record anything. I am going to work on "Because of You" without Kelly Clarkson singing in the background as so many of you have been saying. As soon as I am feeling better, I will get that recorded and posted.
I am having a birthday party tomorrow night with my friends, I am really excited about that. I will try not to scream and hollar at my party. :-)
Posted by
Danielle Heikkila
9:01 PM
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Fox 9 News Story
Hi All,
Oh my goodness, I just got so many nice comments from people. People are so nice and supportive. The story just aired and people have been commenting, calling me, and emailing us. This has been an exciting night for my whole family.
Tomorrow is my Birthday too, this has been a Birthday treat from all of you. Thank you for being so nice and saying all the nice things you have said in comments. YOU ROCK!!!
You can watch the story HERE.
Thanks again to all of you! I am working on more songs. I know alot of you have said I should sing without the singer in the background, we are planning on doing that. We did not think this was going to be on the news when we started this. It was just for my family to see. My mom just took the video with her digital camera and put it up for family to see. We will post more as we get videos done.
Posted by
Danielle Heikkila
7:42 PM
Fox News Story
Danielle's story should be running about every 30 minutes on here during American Idol:
Check it out!
Posted by
Danielle Heikkila
5:26 PM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Here's the Latest...
Hi Everyone,
The story will air on January 15, 2008 at 9:00pm CST locally in Minnesota. We were told today that they aren't privy to the decisions that the National Affiliate makes regarding when it airs with them. So we will all have to keep our eyes peeled to Fox News to see when it comes on. I would think they would somehow run it relating to the Season Premier of American Idol which is on January 15th as well. I wish I had more information, but Jamie Reese said there is no way for us to know, even if they give us a date and time it could get bumped by a pressing news story.
Thanks to All!
Posted by
Danielle Heikkila
1:49 PM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Some Exciting News
Hi Everybody....
I wanted to let you know what is happening with the interview I did with Fox 9 News here in Minneapolis. That interview is supposed to be on TV Wednesday night in Minnesota. Jamie, the reporter that interviewed me, is going to call us back and let us know for sure what time it will be. During that interview, I sang "Miss Independent" on camera. They talked to me with the camera going for like 45 minutes, so I don't know what parts will actually show on TV.
Here is the funny part. My Mom and Dad got rid of cable over a year ago because they said it was a waste of money and took up our time. They said they wanted me to spend time reading, playing guitar, playing my trombone, singing and using my brain to be creative about playing instead of being glued to the "dummy tube". I used to spend a lot of time watching the Disney channel. Now my Mom and Dad had to order cable so they could see the interview on Fox because Jamie said that the Producer with the national affiliate of Fox liked the interview so they are going to run it on the Fox News channel on cable. I don't know when that is going to be yet, but I will let you know. I hope we get cable back in time so we can see it.
Thank you all for the nice comments you have left me. It made me feel really good that you liked the videos I did. It is great that I get to do what I love to do and that you like it too.
I don't know what will happen in the future. I am happy that I have your support and encouragement.
Lots of Love,
Posted by
Danielle Heikkila
10:29 AM
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Eye of the Tiger
Today I was interviewed by Jamie Reese from Fox 9 News. I had a great time, they were really nice. I will keep you posted and let you know when it will air in the twin cities. You can see Jamie at
Posted by
Danielle Heikkila
3:30 PM